Dance Discovery Inc. Policies and Procedures
Our policies listed below are to enhance your experience at Dance Discovery and pertain to our full-year program only.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $35.00 per student or $55.00 per family due upon registration.
ANNUAL FEES - Primary and Recreational Program
- The annual rate for our Primary and Recreational programs includes 37 instructional classes and your costume for performances. All annual rates have GST already included.
- The annual rate is payable in 4 installments; September 1, November 1, February 1 and April 1.
- A credit card must be provided at the time of registration for the purpose of processing your payments on each installation due date.
- Our installment payment system is for convenience only and has no direct relationship to the number of classes in a month.
- Make-up classes will only be offered if the class was cancelled by Dance Discovery Inc.; they are not available due to holidays taken by a student, injury, illness, etc.
- All fees are non-refundable once processed.
- Monthly installments are only an option for students who dance more than 3 hours per week or families with multiple children attending the full-year program.
- In the event you register for the full-year program after the initial start date, your annual fee will be discounted up to the first two classes.
- Annual fees are not pro-rated or adjusted in the event of a students absence throughout the dance season.
ANNUAL FEES - Performance, Pre-Company and Company Program
- The annual rate for our Performance, Pre-Company and Company program refers to your lesson portion of fees and includes 37 instructional weeks. All annual rates have GST already included.
- The annual rate is payable in ten monthly installments from September to June.
- A credit card must be provided at the time of registration for the purpose of processing your payments on each installation due date.
- Our installment payment system is for convenience only and has no direct relationship to the number of classes in a month.
- Make-up classes will only be offered if the class was cancelled by Dance Discovery Inc. (not including cancellations due to competition events); they are not available due to holidays taken by a student, injury, illness, etc.
- All fees are non-refundable once processed.
- Costume fees for our Primary and Recreational programs are included in your annual rate (as mentioned above).
- Costume fees for Performance, Pre-Company and Company programs will be processed on your provided credit card on October 15th.
- All costume fees are non-refundable.
- Costume fees cover the cost of the costume, shipping/handling charges, and any customs/duty charges.
- All costumes are ordered using the measurements of each student and based on the recommended size provided by the costume company. Students receive a final fitting from our costume experts at Dance Discovery and all necessary alterations are provided prior to costumes being distributed.
- Competition fees for the Performance program will be processed on your credit card on October 15th.
- Competition fees for the Pre-Company and Company program are outlined on your registration package sent in August and are payable by November 15th via e-transfer. Any fees not received by November 15th will incur an automatic 10% late fee.
- Competition fees for Company Team members can be paid in installments, with the following installment dates: Oct. 15, Nov. 1, and Nov. 15.
- Competition fees are based on the cost of the previous year and are subject to change.
- All competition fees are non-refundable.
- Dance Discovery Inc. acts as an agent in collecting competition fees and remitting payment to the third party to which the fees are payable.
There will be a $30.00 service charge for any credit card payment that cannot be processed. Clients will be notified via email within 14 days of the declined payment.
All fees, including competition fees, that are collected by Dance Discovery Inc. on behalf of participants, and remitted to a third party are collected by Dance Discovery Inc. acting in its capacity as agent. The terms and conditions set by the third party apply to the extent that they relate to the collection, use and refund of fees. In the case of a refund from a third party for any reason, Dance Discovery Inc. will, in its capacity as agent, forward the fees received back to the individuals they were collected from and remitted on behalf of. Dance Discovery Inc. shall determine, in its sole discretion, the method by which any fees shall be disbursed back to the individuals. Dance Discovery Inc. shall have no liability to participants to refund fees back to participants after the fees have been collected and remitted to third parties in accordance with the stated purpose for collection of the fees.
If you wish to discontinue lessons at any time throughout the year, formal notice to the office will be required (by phone call, email, or in person). In order to stop payment of future lesson fee installments, notice to the office must be received at least two weeks before the next payment date. If notice is not received prior to the two-week deadline, the next payment will be processed. Lack of attendance is not considered formal notice of cancellation.
Once formal notice of cancellation has been received, the student has the option of finishing the term in which they have paid. Registration, lesson, costume, and competition fees will not be refunded once they are processed.
In the event Dance Discovery Inc. is mandated to close the facility, all dance classes will transition to a virtual platform. Your classes will run virtually following the same class schedule until it is mandated as safe to re-open the facility and resume in person instruction. Company Program classes may see an adjustment to their schedule and a reduction in hours; fees may be adjusted accordingly. This will remain at the sole discretion of Dance Discovery Inc.
We want everyone’s experience at Dance Discovery to be a positive one; therefore, we aim to achieve a positive and friendly atmosphere within the studio at all times.
Patron Expectations at Dance Discovery:
- If throughout the season you have a question or concern, we are more than happy to help so long as the question or concern is raised in an appropriate manner.
- Parents are encouraged to stay informed regarding studio information using one of the platforms provided: watch week, website, classroom app, social media or our reception staff
- In order to keep the environment positive, negative comments, conversation, or behavior in the lobby will not be tolerated.
- Tap shoes are not permitted to be worn in the lobby at any time in order to prevent injury and property damage.
- All outdoor shoes are to be removed at the front door.
- Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. No food, pop or juice is permitted in the studio.
Drop Off/Pick Up Protocol:
With the independent drop off and pick up protocols required the previous two seasons, we have seen a huge increase in the confidence, focus and independence of our dancers! To keep these wonderful elements developing in our youth, we are strongly encouraging the following:
- Students from 3 to 4 years of age to be escorted into the facility with one parent/guardian.
- Students 5 years and up, to enter the facility independently.
- We request siblings do not accompany the parent/guardian/dancer into the facility.
Watch week is designed for you to watch a portion of your child’s class as well as to communicate all important information regarding studio events. Watch week is scheduled for the last 15 minutes of your child’s first class during the month of September, January, April and June ONLY. Attendance is strongly encouraged in order to stay informed of any upcoming studio events. All items of importance discussed during our watch week is included in our studio newsletter which will be sent via email, posted on your classroom app and listed on our website; please use these resources to assist you in staying informed.
Watch week is designed for you to watch a portion of your child’s class as well as to communicate all important information regarding studio events. Watch week is scheduled for the last 15 minutes of your child’s first class during the month of September and March ONLY. Attendance is mandatory in order to stay informed on the important details involved with the performance program. All items of importance for the program will also be included in our studio newsletter which will be sent via email, posted on your classroom app and listed on our website; please use these resources to assist you in staying informed.
There will be no watch weeks held for students in the Pre-Company and Company Program. All communication will be done via email. More information regarding this policy will be supplied in your Company Handbook, which will be received via email the first week of classes.
Viewing windows shall remain closed for classes with children under the age of 11. They may be opened for classes where all children are the age of 11 or older at the teacher’s discretion. We want every student to benefit from the class they are enrolled in; we appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our viewing window policy.
Dressing rooms are by assignment only. If you are not assigned a dressing room, you may use the washrooms for your changing needs and the cubbies in the hallway to store your belongings at your own risk. Dance Discovery Inc. is not responsible for any items on its premises that are lost, stolen, or damaged. We encourage all students to leave any valuables at home.
After every Watch Week, the Lost and Found will be cleaned out and any articles that remain will be given to Goodwill.
Recitals are an additional event organized by the studio to give students an opportunity to showcase what they have worked so hard to achieve.
- Recitals are held at the Myer Horowitz and Shell Theatre for the 2023/2024 season
- Ticket pricing can range from $20.00 to $25.00 each
- Tickets are purchased online and are non-refundable once purchased
- Any person watching the show over the age of 2 requires a ticket
- Children under 2 years of age will receive a complimentary “babes in arm” ticket
- Tickets must be presented at the door
- Admission will not be given to any person without a ticket or any person who has lost or misplaced their ticket
When attending competitions, we want to ensure all comments regarding performers and the studio they represent are positive. When performers and their families overhear negative comments or unkind remarks, it can be devastating. When attending competitions, all students and parents are required to represent themselves, as well as the studio, in a positive and professional manner. Photography and videotaping is not permitted at any competition.
Aside from the competition fees paid in November, some competitions also have an admission fee for any patrons attending the competition. This fee is set forth by the company hosting the competition and has no involvement with Dance Discovery. This is a cost that is paid at the door and could range from $5.00 to $10.00 per person per day.
It is of most importance for Dance Discovery to ensure students are placed in programs that allow them to be successful based on their current physical and emotional readiness. Enrollment into the Company Program is based on recommendation only. Students must be assessed by the director before permanently being placed in any class. Classes are evaluated at the end of each season and are structured the following season as the director sees fit.
Students in the Company Program have a set of expectations and policies in addition to what is listed above. These policies are disclosed in a “Company Handbook” that is distributed via email at the beginning of each dance season. A parent/guardian signature is also required for our new "Company Agreement" which will be provided to all members in their registration package.
In the event of any unforeseen pandemic or imposed government guidelines, Dance Discovery Inc. reserves the right to adjust any policies listed above. This could include, but not limited to, recitals, watch week, dressing rooms, studio and lobby procedures and drop off/pick up protocol of dancers.
All Policies are set in place to provide the best experience for all of our students, families and instructors. If at any time throughout the season, mistreatment is demonstrated to staff, students or parents of Dance Discovery, it may result in permanent dismissal. By submitting my registration, I understand and agree to the policies set forth by Dance Discovery Inc. I understand that Dance Discovery Inc., its instructors, administrators and volunteers are not held responsible for personal injury or loss of belongings at the studio or at recital venues. Any photography or video taken by Dance Discovery Inc. or companies contracted by Dance Discovery Inc. is the property of Dance Discovery Inc. and can be used for advertising or promotional purposes. This includes, but not limited to, social media, website images, promotional videos and promotional brochures.
Payment Terms
I here by authorize Dance Discovery Inc. of Canada, or its successors, assignees or transferees, to draw on my account with my financial institution, for the purpose of paying the annual fee installments issued by Dance Discovery Inc of Canada or its successors, assignees or transferees, or of any replacement policy, any applicable charges and any applicable sales tax. I authorize Dance Discovery Inc. to collect, use and disclose any of this personal information, subject to the law, for the purposes of facilitating the payment of annual fees related to my account. I confirm that all individuals whose personal information is contained in the document have authorized that I agree to the above on their behalf.
I am aware of the two-week cancellation policy that is set in place by Dance Discovery. If I wish to discontinue lessons and cancel the payment, my notice must be received two weeks before the next installment is due in order to stop the payment. If the two-week notice is not received the next installment will be processed. All fees are non refundable once processed. I understand that if the payment is not approved at the time of processing there will be a $30.00 service charge billed to my account.
NOTE: VISA DEBIT and MASTERCARD DEBIT are NOT acceptable forms of payment for Pre-Authorization. At this time we accept VISA and MASTERCARD only.
The Credit Card Information collected above is for installment payments and not for registration.
Registration fees are collected separately on the subsequent screen.